What is the Best Way to Store Coffee Beans?

What is the Best Way to Store Coffee Beans?

Have you ever wondered how to store your coffee beans to keep them fresh after opening the bag? The answer is simple: air, moisture, heat, and light are the enemies of fresh coffee. To preserve the flavor and aroma of your beans, follow these tips:

  1. Use an airtight container: Transfer your beans to an airtight container to keep them away from air and moisture. Mason jars, vacuum-sealed containers, and ceramic canisters are good options.  However, many people do keep it in the bag after opening.  For this reason, we only offer 12 ounce bags to ensure each customer can enjoy their coffee before it loses the freshness.  Our bags should keep the beans fresh, but for maximum quality control, you may transfer the beans to an airtight jar.

  2. Store in a cool, dark place: Keep your container of coffee beans in a cool, dark place like a pantry or cabinet. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or near a heat source.

  3. Don't freeze your beans: Contrary to popular belief, freezing coffee beans is not a good idea. It can cause moisture buildup and alter the flavor of your beans.

  4. Buy in small quantities: Buy coffee in small quantities so that you can use it up quickly and avoid storing it for too long.  We already assist with this due to our offerings!

By following these tips, you can ensure that your coffee beans remain fresh for longer and that you can enjoy a delicious cup of coffee every time. For more coffee tips and tricks, visit our website.

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